Wednesday, 26 March 2008

GSV: Pan & Scan

Wanna make your own Google Maps style viewer for massive images? Checkout Pan & Scan. I'm currently trying to build a draggable electronic programme guide interface, and this has given me loads of ideas....

Principally that rather than relying on widths and floats, I need to absolutely position everything to make it work - this is because a) you can't reliably apply heights and widths to inline elements (and inline-block in css is not properly supported), b) floats will always wrap inside a div with overflow:hidden set and c) if you want an infinitely draggable surface, you need to go back in time as well as forward, and absolute positioning is the only way to position things at minus (-ve) positions i.e. earlier than the on-load view.

Thanks Michal Migurski!

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